One in a Melon Bath Blaster

by Bomb Cosmetics
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Because you're one in a melon and deserve a good ol' treat! Fizzing fast to create a watermelon fragranced foam, dive deep into this fruity sensation with juicy pink coloured waters, and marjoram & may chang essential oils to give you bursts of energy and refresh the mind! Topped with a swirl made from cocoa and shea butter which will slowly melt into a creamy state.

Inspired by a juicy fruit, this blasters truly unique! This handmade bath time treat contains pure May Chang and Marjoram essential oils to leave you feeling quite out of the ordinary!

A creamy swirl of cocoa and shea butter melts and moisturises your skin, leaving you scented, moisturised and nourished.

We also use biodegradable glitters so you can shine, safe in the knowledge that your sparkle isn't hurting the planet.

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