Green Lantern Lamp

by Paladone
Sold out

In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evilÕs might, beware my power, Green LanternÕs light!

In the darkest night, you can light the way with this Green Lantern Power Battery lamp ensuring that no evil escapes your sight. Fully portable, you can take it with you wherever you go.

First appearing in All-American Comics #16, Green Lantern Power Batteries were created by the immortal Guardians of the Universe during the time that they sought to impose order on a chaotic cosmos. The Power Battery served as an energy conduit to the Green Lantern Central Power Battery on Oa. The Power Battery became a common piece of equipment amongst the Green Lantern Corps and were used to charge the Green Lantern Power Rings.

This life-sized replica is a great and thoughtful gift for any fan of DC Comics and the perfect addition to any collection of Green Lantern memorabilia. The lantern stands 30cm/12Ó tall and is 27cm/10.5Ó wide. It can be powered by USB (USB cable included) or by 3x AA batteries (not included), so can be placed anywhere in your home or at the office.

Made with BDP ( Break Down Plastic) so you can buy with the confidence that when your lantern comes to the end of itÕs natural life the plastic will breakdown thanks to a revolutionary organic ingredient and not just sit in landfill.

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