Do you enjoy playing cards?

Do you enjoy playing cards? And you probably know a great deal about them. But there are some things about playing cards that a good deal of people don't know. Have you considered, and tested them closely? As a card connoisseur, you may already know some of the intriguing facts that this report covers, in which case you can join me in enjoying and celebrating them. And for the rest of us, please join me in diving into the world of learning about some of those trivia, and playing cards and treats that playing cards can provide.


Card Calendar


Playing cards have a very long history and their origin remains a matter of speculation. But there are definitely some fascinating ways that the make-up of a deck can be explained. It has been frequently noticed just how a deck of playing cards corresponds to a calendar in several notable respects:


2 colours: The two colours of red and black correspond to the two parts of each day, namely daytime and night.

4 suits: The four suits correspond to the four seasons of spring, summer, fall, and winter.

13 values: The thirteen cards in each suit correspond to the 13 weeks in each quarter, and to the 13 lunar cycles.

12 courts: The 12 court cards correspond to the 12 months in a year.

52 cards: The 52 cards in a deck correspond to the 52 weeks in a year


Production Trivia


Printing and the production of playing cards is also fascinating, and there are a number of details that tell us something about if and how playing cards have been made, if you know where to look.


  • USPCC: The United States Playing Card Company is the world's largest manufacturer of playing with cards. It has more than 700 workers, and produces over 100 million decks each year. That is the equivalent of over 5 billion person playing cards almost as many as the amount of individuals on the planet right now!


  • Glue core: Were you aware that playing cards include adhesive, and do you know why? The adhesive is not only there to stick both of these layers, although playing cards are made out of 2 layers of paper glued together. Additionally, it plays an important role of making sure that the cards are opaque - which means when they are held up to the light, that you can't see through them. In addition, there is a coating applied to cards near the end of the manufacturing process, but this was made to help protect them.


  • Bevelled edges: Playing cards are printed on sheets that are large, and this creates a bevel on the edge of the cards when these sheets cut to separate cards. Depending on the direction of the clip, decks are considered to have a cut or a traditional cut. This difference usually goes unnoticed, except for those who snore the cards together by one.


  • Dated decks: It's possible to date a deck of cards made by the USPCC by the code. The code is a letter followed by a number, and the letter provides.


  • Casino decks: Casinos need to be cautious that an extra card can be pulled by cheaters out of the sleeves, or that playing cards do not become marked. According to a casino employee, playing cards are changed at least once and in games they're replaced than that when players handle them a lot. So that you can not slip them back into a game, casinos clip their corners mark cards that are with ink, or drill a hole in the middle.


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